1. Passport Size Photo (JPEG/jpg Format Only and Size 50KB) |
2. Pan AND AADHAAR Card Copy (PDF Only and Size 200KB) |
3. Self attested Lease/rent agreement of office and godown/If ownership then proof certificate (Bihar Government 1000 rupees stamp mandatory) (PDF and 200KB) |
4. Scaned Copy of Challan (Wholeseller Rs.- 2250/Retailer Rs.1250 challan- Online Payment) For Renewal Late Fee Charge : 150.00 (200KB)
Self Attested copy of QR/Digital Payment |
6. Source/Form 'O' in Orignal |
7. Self attested copy of Marketing licence of Manufacturer/Supplier Who is issuing form- 'O' |
8. Self attested copy of Applicant's qualification certificate (B. Sc. Chemistry) |
Notarized affidavit in which Details of
a. In last three year company has not been punished/confiscated under FCO 1985 or Essential community act.
b. Earlier Registration Certificate has not been suspended.
c. The licence of company/Firm should not have been cancelled in any state in last one year prior to applying for the new licence.
10. Self attested copy of Sale Report of One Year.-- For Renewal
11. Applicant Character certificate issue by sp office.- (Effected from 01-March-2021) |